How a Boat Named Skimpy Transformed my Life


By Kara Pomicter


I was made to explore, travel and have big adventures. 

I know this because a wanderlust feeling has always lived deep inside me. I know this because going to new places and having new experiences fills me with wonder and joy. I know this because when I got married and bought a house (despite the prior warning signs of chest pains and a head screaming "don't do it!") I felt stuck and trapped. Even now, I vividly remember walking into my martial house for the first time and my heart plummeting into my stomach while the thought "This is it. I am stuck here for the rest of my life." flew across my mind. 

So it was no coincidence that I eventually moved to the Caribbean, met a boat named Skimpy, and started sailing the world. 

For three years, I hopped on and off the boat and sailed from St. Croix in the US Virgin Islands down the Caribbean chain, along the South American border to the Panama Canal, and then in Indonesia and Thailand. Skimpy literally carried me half-way around the world and blessed me with friendships, adventures, challenges, newfound confidence, unforgettable memories, and an expanded view of life. 

She also completely transformed my life. Not only did she allow me to realize my first dreams of living on a boat, learning how to sail, exploring countless tropical islands, and meeting people from all over the world, but she also helped me grow personally and spiritually. All of the challenges, conversations, and experience I had during this journey helped me uncover who I am on a deeper level and who I still wanted to become. 

This is how my business was born. This is why I’m passionate about inspiring others to go out and explore the world. And this is why my calling now is to ignite transformation and self-realization in individuals ready to embrace their true divine essence through travel and exploration. I want everyone to experience how transformational traveling truly is. 


Kara is a holistic wellness practitioner, energy healer, and avid traveler who combines her training and experiences as a Reiki Master Teacher, certified athletic trainer, wellness advocate, and explorer to ignite transformation and self-realization in women ready to embrace their true divine essence and a life of wellness, travel, and joy.

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