
A Traveler’s Manifesto

We at the TTC believe that …

Travel is ripe with the POSSIBILITY of transformation … If you want something you have never HAD before, you must be willing to DO something you have never done before … Spending time in NATURE is one of the most powerful forms of physical and spiritual HEALING … DISCONNECTING from the craziness of every day life helps us RECONNECT with ourselves … Any adventure is as much about the INNER JOURNEY as it is about the outer one … Traveling with H.E.A.R.T. means having the COURAGE to go within yourself and truly being … Following your P.A.T.H. empowers you in fully engaging your journey … Ready to embrace CHALLENGE that comes in many forms: Physical, cultural, emotional, social, and spiritual … Pushing our COMFORT ZONES opens our minds and hearts to new ideas and possibilities … A supportive group environment nurtures vulnerable, honest, and powerful CONVERSATIONS that allow us to see everything and everyone through NEW EYES and new perspectives ... These ENLIGHTENED PERSPECTIVES bring CLARITY and CONFIDENCE that empowers us to take PURPOSEFUL ACTION as we create the life that we want ... This inspired action allows us to realize our individual and collective POTENTIAL … Only YOU have the power to transform your life ... TOGETHER, WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD.


  Programs & Resources 

Transformational travel is worthy of you and the world we share, and that it starts with intention and ends in mindful action. When traveling with intention, you’re not only fully engaging the community and environment you encounter, but simultaneously learning and growing. We call this traveling from the inside-out, artfully balancing the exploration of your inner and outer world. We believe travel starts with your ‘Why & How,’ followed by mindfully choosing the ‘What & Where.'

Rooted in ancient truths and contemporary science we offer methods, tools, and practices that are accessible and actionable, based on our cooperative, multi-disciplinary study. The result is travel as a Process rather than a Product, where transformation happens on a spectrum.


Adopt the Mindset and Create the Conditions for Travel to Flourish

Our highly-skilled, passionate graduates of our Transformational Travel Designer Program have thoughtfully-crafted a selection of TTC-Verified Journeys for travelers that want to more out of their travel and more out of life. When you travel on one of these journeys, you’ll be supported in finding the right balance of inner and outer exploration, coached and empowered to connect deeply with land, culture, self, and others. We believe that the possibility for a transformative journey is amplified when exploration is intentional, mindful, regenerative, and travel practices support real and respectful interaction with guides, hosts, and the local communities you have the privilege to encounter.


Learn to Travel from the Inside-Out!

Transformational Travelers are interested in traveling with an eye toward richer connections, more meaning, and leveraging travel to create real change in their lives and in the world around them. We’re here to guide, support, and empower you in using travel as stepping stones toward a happier and more fulfilled, mindful life. We offer a treasure chest of tools, insights, and wisdom to guide you in your quest.

We have a global community of Allies that view travel as sacred, rich with visible and hidden benefits, and ripe with the potential to alter your life, the lives of others, and the places you go.

Sign up to learn more about how develop your own travel practice!


The Hero’s Journey

At the heart of the concept of transformational travel is a sturdy and well-documented body of research. Michael Bennett, Ed.D., focused his doctoral research on exploring and identifying the critical elements of adventure travel experiences that lead transformational learning in adults. The results were the first of their kind to empirically suggest that there was a clear pattern for how and why people change as a result of adventure experiences.

Michael's seven core themes are as follows, inspired by Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey and other philosophers, scientists, and explorers.

  1. Answering the Call to Adventure + Traveling with Intention

  2. Crossing the Threshold + Entering a 'Zone Unknown'

  3. Being Open to Experiences & Transformation

  4. Consciously Seeking Out Extraordinary & Challenging Experiences

  5. Engaging in Meaningful Interactions & Conversations

  6. Taking Time for Reflection & Meaning-Making

  7. Launching Into Purposeful Action


The Transformational Travel Journal

Your Guide to Creating a Life-Changing Journey

Travel can Change Your Life. 

Making travel “transformational” is up to you. It may happen by chance, but you need not leave it to luck. You can forge your journey toward growth and change.

“Although travel is wildly unpredictable and hugely varied, there are themes, patterns, and ancient precedents that weave their way through all kinds of stories of life-altering experiences. Which brings us to this guidebook and journal. Herein is a consolidation of those recurring themes, patterns, and precedents in the form of a travel companion, designed to be visited and revisited over the course of your journey. Because meaningful travel is so personal, and because it yields in kind what you put in, you’ll find as many questions as answers, along with lots of white space for you to fill. I hope it serves you well.” - Eric Rupp, Author


Support our Mission + Values by Becoming a Donor

If you connect to transformational travel philosophy on deep level and recognize it's potential for personal and planetary progress, please consider a donation. Your kind contribution will help us amplify our message, accelerate the (r)evolution, and create the more beautiful, thriving world.

Transformational Travel positively impacts personal advancement, health, relationships, ecological footprint, consumer and travel choices, social purpose, philanthropic commitments, lifestyle and time management choices, mindful, and contemplative practice, and creating sustainable long-term value for travelers, hosts, communities, and planet.


Join us in the Collaboratory!

A Cooperative of Virtual Learning, Sharing, and Values-driven Collaboration

Welcome to travel at the intersection of consciousness and purpose, self and society, co-created and facilitated by our community of global Allies. We take a holistic approach to intramural education, connections, and growth by providing spaces for challenging yet comfortable sharing and learning for travelers, practitioners, and Allies.

A place for movement, meditation, mindfulness, and conversations that matter

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