Kate McIver, CoCreate With Kate


About CoCreate With Kate

We are stewards of life-changing opportunities.

We love creating experiences that enable a deeper connection to ourselves, each other and the Earth. Intentionally bringing out the best of those we engage with and support. 

Together, we can create a new path forward

About Kate

l love connecting with people (like you!), learning about their passions and discovering ways we can collaborate to make our visions a reality. 

Throughout my career, I’ve worked with incredible leaders across a variety of industries and roles co-creating processes and solutions that enable them to do their best work in the communities they serve. 

Kate’s Capstone Project

View The Project Here

Rebecca Henn and I collaborated with Tanner Colton, COO of the Transformational Travel Council (TTC), to enhance their Transformational Travel Design Program. The TTC created this unique training program to share their approach for designing meaningful and impactful travel experiences, with the ultimate goal of transforming the tourism industry into a force for good. The program unpacks the TTC’s framework of transformation and provides tools for designers to craft life-changing experiences.

After completing the program, Rebecca and I engaged Tanner, in an interactive co-design process to support the evolution of the program. We had two main objectives:

1) Create a cohesive and structured learning journey by applying the principles of learning design, and 2) Enable learners to embody the teachings through experiential design.

A Word from Kate (and Rebecca)